Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Song features

I don't really have any new drawings to publish at the moment and I've wanted to do a song feature, so here we go.
A couple of songs I've been liking lately, a bit varied stuff. Hope you like them too :)

Monday, May 09, 2011

Photo time

This time mostly a photo update, took these at the zoo a little while ago. 

pretty lion :D

would like this more if it was a little less shaky, he was difficult to photograph 

smaller kitty!

tiger says HAI


and then some art, my newest youtube speedpaint picture 
watch the video here!

Original pencil version of another new picture on DA

And a WIP I found :D

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sketchy sketchy

Finally time to update again, some sketches here! Some of commissionwork and some of my recent personal pics. :) finished pictures can be found on my deviantart gallery.

(characters belong to their owners, no stealing! :D )
thanks for looking! Hoping to update more often

Friday, February 25, 2011


Oooh this time a little bigger post! I've actually had much more time to draw or I appear to have been more productive over the past few... weeks? Anyway, still enjoying practicing drawing people too. n_n but some other things here too.

A bookmark for Detrah!

Haha in fact I wasn't feeling angsty while drawing this :DD Il Lupo is one of my favourite characters from ACBH multiplayer (I usually play as him) and I just had gotten killed so many times that day... so I drew this. Makes sense? humm

RoxPox commission! And with a Tobyshirt 8DD
and my second favourite multiplayer character GAHHH I'm actually really happy with this! Now I just need to splash some colour on her too. Spiffy lady
a sketch for Bern's Hunter OC

The original sketch for the Quetzalcoatl picture on my DA

and... something. Pretty general, I never felt like finishing this, maybe one day.
And also something else, here's my current favourite song! Or maybe not my most favourite song ever but the song you just suddenly want to play over and over again, if you know what I mean :DD loveityaahhhhh just wanted to share!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Socras etc

Nothing much, just a few things. Because I actually like the lineart of this more than the finished version :D and I still like drawing the character.

and coloured

a 45-minutes landscape speedpaint

and a video of that speedpainting can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlQ76j1JWZA
now I'm off to sleep (ALREADY omg), I feel soooo tired and cold. It's still so freezing here.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Oh oh

Time for explanations :--D I forgot the whole blog, I forgot my account because this thing constantly keeps logging me off even though it shouldn't an blah blah blah.
I'm sitting on my friend's bed with my laptop, watching her play PS3. And I thought if I had drawn anything for a while. Seems that I haven't but I found some pics that just sit in the depths of my computer so why not share and update this thing!

As I said I haven't been drawing much lately, due to a great amount of work and events (I got a full-time job) and I just haven't had the time or haven't been as interested in drawing or mainly drawing canines... in fact I don't think I have finished a single canine drawing for well over a month? HEHE. Humans seem a lot nicer subject to draw at the moment 8DDD okay I won't stop drawing animals but sometimes the subjects of interest change for a while.
.........maybe because suddenly I have a lot of interesting characters to draw, my own one and AC characters oh yeah! (can I say interesting one more time? Interesting)

 I fail engrish and explaining today urgh

But have some scribblings, some are older though
The character of mine I really enjoy drawing :D awkward pose is awkward though

some studies, done a few months back

sketch of a finished pic on da. Don't mind that shoe haha

that kitty of mine! In case you are wondering, kissa means cat in finnish :D funny thing is that  I had absolutely no recollection of this picture, I just found it. Scary

random crouching Bern!

and now that I mentioned Bern... she came up with a pose one day and I wanted to try drawing it, so here's ACB Ezio XD it shall be a Christmas card for her!! u__u Oh yeah perfectly in time. It's a WIP at the moment, but it's what I'm working on every now and then.

There it is. And I'll continue staring at that PS3 playing